Dr.Abiy Ahmed Ali Political Legacy For Peace & Security Reconciliation Role on Horn Of Africa

Author :🤝( Muktar Bashir Adan)

Somali -State.

Ethiopia .

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali, an active mediator of the reconciliation of neighboring countries in the Horn of Africa, has already received the honorable PEACE PRESS award from the noble society. world re-join Ethiopia and Eritrea, with more than 24 years does not pass through any

connection diplomatic then Prime younger promised Ethiopia HE Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali has been focusing on the arguments existing specifically for the entirely horn of Africa province sustainable achieve universal insecurity in all.

neighboring countries in the Horn of Africa region occur as a peaceful solution to the conflict could lead to deliver Sustainable peace icy between the Democratic Republic of the federal Republic of Somalia and Somaliland

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia is not tired of welcoming the Federal Government of Somalia and Somalia.
This move, based on the right path of international mediation and reconciliation processes in the Horn of Africa, has led to the successful completion of a two-day summit of the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Republic of Somalia. The Somaliland land was hosted by Djibouti’s long-standing peace and security talks and was attended by representatives from both sides as well as moderate delegates such as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr Abiy Ahmed.

The peace talks between the two sides have been opened in Djibouti, and are fully hosted by the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Mr. Ismail Omar gulleh.
Finally, the Somali federal government and the republic of Somalia are expected to emerge with some successes.

Thus, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, who has fully implemented the economic and political reforms of Ethiopia, has successfully succeeded in standing up a single political party, including all ethnic groups in Ethiopia.

dismissed latest series was based on clan held
This responsibility, which is deeply involved in the implementation of the diplomatic process, is committed to achieving full peace in all countries in the Horn of Africa as well as its main priority. The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr Abiy Ahmed, wants to fully implement the Horn of Africa, two key points.

That all countries in the Horn of Africa should take full responsibility for lasting peace
to enable all countries in the Horn of Africa to be fully successful in environmental restoration and regeneration of known forests and trees.

3): mitigating and changing global climate change, especially in the Horn of Africa
It is in the process of fully integrating all the forests and vegetation of this region in the Horn of Africa

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